
How Trunk SIP paves the way for agile, cost-effective and secure business telephony

Voice and Collaboration5 min
How Trunk SIP paves the way for agile, cost-effective and secure business telephony

An article by Alexandre Gosnet, Product Manager Voice

It's no longer an announcement or a project too far away to be taken on board: 'old-style' telephony will soon be bidding farewell, and with it, the PSTN - for Switched Telephone Network - will come to an end. As a Voice expert and Product Manager dedicated to Trunk SIP, I know how important it is for us operators to get the right messages across, and to educate our customers sufficiently for them to realise that it is vital to speed up the transition to IP telephony (VoIP). I also know how anxiety-provoking it can be to contemplate the complete transformation of an infrastructure. So, in addition to the obvious response of essential human support, there are also technical solutions that make this stage easier. This is particularly the case with Trunk SIP, which is proving to be a major ally when it comes to taking the broadband route and benefiting from a more comprehensive, high-performance business telephony solution.

A flexible technology that calls for controlled budget management

Trunk SIP can be integrated into infrastructures that are already open to VoIP, i.e. those equipped with an IPBX. It can also be integrated into infrastructures that are not natively compatible with VoIP (because they are equipped with a PBX) by deploying VoIP gateways. In this way, financial barriers are removed, because the equipment does not need to be renewed... There's no doubt about it, Trunk SIP is certainly flexible!

In addition to these structural savings, the pricing of VoIP communications is also more advantageous. Depending on the scale of a company's needs, substantial savings can be made! At Sewan in particular, we offer various types of package that guarantee both customised costs and limited billing. And with good reason: the packages associated with our SIP Trunk offer are unlimited and fall into two categories. On the one hand, there is a national package to fixed lines and, in addition, an international package to fixed lines and mobiles in Belgium and to 110 destinations. This range of packages is complemented by the possibility of metered billing, which alone ensures perfect cost control and total flexibility.


Studies, including one by Telzio, have shown that switching to VoIP can reduce overall telephony costs by an average of 30% to 50%. These are significant figures, especially for VSEs and SMEs for whom cost containment is a daily challenge. There is also a general trend for VoIP costs to fall over time. This decline in prices is being driven by the consolidation of existing technologies and the arrival of new ones (see the full report).

 When Trunk SIP adapts to changing needs and uses...

While the flexibility of Trunk SIP is a valid argument from a budgetary point of view, it is just as valid from an operational and functional point of view. Scalability, scalability, flexibility: the names may vary but the results are the same; Trunk SIP knows how to adapt. Whether it's to keep pace with the rapid growth of teams in a VSE/SME or scale-up, or to facilitate the operation of multi-site businesses, in particular through automated management of emergency calls, Trunk SIP ensures optimised and agile scaling of the number of channels available and used. So it's definitely a metamorphic tool that will prove its worth without distinction, from the smallest company to the largest group possible.


Security advantage: key features that become real protective shields

By switching to VoIP, the security objection can legitimately be raised. Transit via the Internet also means a wide playing field for cybercriminals, as Stanislas de Goriainoff, CTO of Sewan, pointed out in an article for JDN. While the instigators of these cyber attacks rarely lack imagination, solutions publishers and other operators, such as Sewan, are also there to offer their customers solutions that provide strong security arguments. This is particularly true of Trunk SIP, which comes with a host of features to help control and secure the volume of outgoing calls. This drastically reduces the vulnerabilities of businesses that use telephony as an entry point. This enhanced security ensures even greater control over billing, as the risks of over-billing are limited.

Several levers can be activated in this quest for greater security. This ensures that calls are protected while limiting the risk of overcharging. One way of protecting against hacking is to use an Access Control List. The account administrator has total control over the list of equipment authorised to make calls. This protects the company from hackers who will not be able to make malicious calls. Anti-hacking limits can also be added, restricting the number of calls that can be made at certain times. With Trunk SIP, the risks of hacking are limited, and with them, the financial consequences, which, as we know, can quickly be disastrous for businesses.

As you will have realised, the SIP Trunk has many advantages in its technical and practical file. A perfect ally for VoIP, it works with the big names in the world of telephony (3CX, Alcatel, Microsoft, Mitel, Panasonic, etc.) to demonstrate its full value. Agile and flexible, it can be adapted to all types of business, enabling rapid and perfectly optimised deployment. While 'old-style' telephony may be on its last legs, Trunk SIP has not finished reconciling old infrastructures with all the advantages of VoIP. You now know my name and my speciality, so if you'd like to talk to me about Trunk SIP, I'm at your disposal along with the rest of the teams with whom we develop our Sewan solution on a daily basis!


Article topicsVoice and Collaboration
The Sewan team


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