
Partner Talk with VestaTech

Sewan5 min
Partner Talk with VestaTech

VestaTech, a jack-of-all-trades

VestaTech is an IT company that has been around since 2018, specializing in telephony and, more generally, all things IT. The company is aptly named... Like the Greek goddess "Vesta", protector of the domestic household, VestaTech supports its customers in a whole range of needs, from telephone and server management to infrastructure and firewall management. With a small team of 6 people, they are "jacks-of-all-trades".

VestaTech & Sewan: the experts come together

What won VestaTech over when it chose Sewan as its partner? The diversity of the offer and the technical support provided by the teams on a wide range of solutions. VestaTech adapts to each customer's needs, offering a customized solution at no extra cost! Always ready to listen, dialogue is also very important within both companies, enabling us to move forward together and solve problems quickly.  

What about the future of telecoms?

According to Reinoud van der Hijden, Director, and Vincent Denys, Teamcoördinator ICT at VestaTech, the evolution of the telecoms market is strongly linked to the rise of collaboration tools such as Teams or Zoom, which are now fundamental for companies and organizations. On certain continents, applications such as Whatsapp have also become indispensable for business!

And as Davy Van De Moere, CTO Sewan Belgium, explains, countries that experienced a later technological revolution find it easier to use 4G with the installation of antennas than fiber, which is more complex and costly to install.

In short, with the development of technologies such as fiber or 5G, and the diversity of usage depending on the country, telephony still has a bright future ahead of it!

Enough teasing: time for the video! 👇

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