
Let's give voice to 2022!

As the month of January draws to a close, let's look back at those sometimes timeless days, when we are all happy to be together, motivated to start a new year full of promise for us all and whose horizon seems full of virtuous prospects.

If Alexis de Goriainoff (CEO), willingly lent himself to the usual video of the greetings, we wanted to give the floor to other Sewaners, often those you meet on a daily basis. Giving the floor through podcasts of a few seconds to multiply these wishes for success, energy and moments together. Broadcast progressively over the past weeks, here is a summary of these podcasts, to be listened to without moderation until 31 January (and why not more?).


Thomas, Tomé and Julien for our Partners

For our Partners, three of them have tried their hand at podcasting. There are Thomas and Julien (CEO partners) and Tomé (Customer care). In unison, they hope that our partners will continue to support their projects with Sewan and continue to develop their Cloud and Telecom business!


Success with Thomas


Energy with Tomé

Time together with Julien